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From the magazine ZBl 3/2021 | S. 131-152 The following page is 131

Les pouvoirs extraordinaires du Conseil fédéral dans la lutte contre les épidémies

« Die gegenwärtige Corona-Krise hat allerdings gezeigt, dass der Bundesgesetzgeber nicht genügend vorausgedacht hat. »

Andreas Kley1

« The Constitution is different from ordinary statutes in one striking way. The Constitution is foundational of other law, so Hercules’ interpretation of the document as a whole, and of its abstract clauses, must be foundational as well. It must fit and justify the most basic arrangements of political power in the community, which means it must be a justification drawn from the most philosophical reaches of political theory. »

Ronald Dworkin2
De la revue ZBl 3/2021 | p. 131-152 La page suivante №